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Sponsor a Student

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

Your support, in the form of a commitment of $5 per week, will enable the Trust to help a student for one term (10 weeks).

Not only will you have the satisfaction of supporting such a worthwhile effort but as a Student Sponsor at the Rural Youth and Adult Literacy Trust, you will also gain the following benefits:

  • Receive the Trust’s quarterly newsletter by email.
  • Receive a certificate stating you are Sponsoring a Student and one of the Trust’s pens.


Membership of the Rural Youth and Adult Literacy Trust costs just:

  1. $5 a week by automatic payment ($260 per year)
  2. or a one-off annual payment of $260

Please fill in the form below. You can set up a payment now, or fill out the form and one of our team will contact you with organising payment.

Payment Details

Payment can be made by Paypal or by direct credit to the Trust’s bank account

Name: Rural Youth and Adult Literacy Trust
Number: 12-3023-0720450-00
Reference: DONATION

PayPal & Credit Card

Your Details

Our Sponsors